Shadowrun 6 – 1.6.0
Verfasser: taranion | Datum: 06.05.2021 | Kategorie(n): Roleplaying games, Shadowrun
The new release of the Shadowrun 6 plugin for Genesis features the content of the new publication “Power Plays” and some bug fixes.
- SR6-644 Correct attack rating of throwing stars
- SR6-643 Adept: Metamagic – Power Points adding too many
- SR6-642 Add levels to berserk power
- SR6-641 Separate precision strike into variants per weapon category
- SR6-638 Correct body of Seahawk
- SR6-637 Correct category for Rolling Clouds
- SR6-636 Make Tutorsofts visible
- SR6-632 Correct class for Desert Strike and PJSS Model 75
- SR6-422 Show Rigger Software on Rigger Page
- SR6-367 Autosoft “stealth_auto” is not correctly considered for drones on PDF rigger page
- SR6-635 Implement special rules for “Power Plays” qualities
- SR6-646 Add content from Datapuls Marienbad
- SR6-645 Add content from Schattenload 2021-04 Polizei
- SR6-634 Qualities from “Power Plays”
A new feature is a special kind of JSON export aimed for a new project of ours: A Shadowrun 6 Game System for Foundry VTT.